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For YOU.

It’s crazy to think about how one month can turn in the two months, and two months can turn the three months, and the next thing you know half a year goes by, and the next thing you know it’s a year later...

Thinking about where I was a year ago compared to where I am now...every time I predict or have a small invasion of what my future may look like, it turns out to be nothing like I expected it to look like but it’s not always a bad thing... 

And honestly the favorite things about my life right now are the ones that caught me by surprise because I didn’t see it coming... 

I’m just kind of at this point in my life where I tend to just go with the flow, ya know riding the wave of life, letting life take the stirring wheel...

But let me tell you, I’m a huge sign person... I mean HUGE. For example, every time I think of quitting my job and wanting to start something different, something happens whether it’s a promotion or some sort of light at the end of the tunnel that makes me stay. And I think that’s God’s way of telling me to stay...

And then of course other things happen that you wish maybe turned out differently... And it’s sometimes hard to take those things and look at them in a positive light. I sometimes question to myself and think is this is a sign too? A sign to let go... Let go of all the things that aren’t for YOU. Do you ever just catch yourself doing all these things for other people? BUT can you list the same number of things that you do for others that you do for yourself?

Make a list I challenge you... Name 3 things that you do for yourself on a daily basis. Actually things,  not just the necessities like showering, cooking, or work. 


  1. Yoga/gym sometimes 
  2. ?

The fact that I can’t name three things means something in my daily routine NEEDS to change... if you reading this I challenge you to write down 3 things you do for yourself in a daily and 3 things you would like to do for yourself on a daily... then take a deep breathe and just take a second to think about how you can include things that are for YOU, that better YOU in your daily routine... because in the end the most loyal person you will ever have in your life is yourself... 


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