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Day by Day


Hey there, it’s’s been a minute. Ya know just got caught up a little bit,  trying to figure out this game of life we play. I’m in the middle of trying to figure out where I’m going to live, what I’m going to do with my career, trying to make time for everyone... trying to make everyone happy. But ya know what’s important? Self happiness, self awareness, and self acknowledgment. Let me repeat this one... self acknowledgement. Has someone ever told you how great your doing? Because whether or not you believe it, you are doing GREAT. You know how I know? Well, you are still here on earth reading this blog and still trying to defeat this battle that life throws at you. And if that’s not some hardcore dedication, I don’t know what is. 

So I’m going to tell you. You are great and you are doing a phenomenal job at whatever it is your doing. Give yourself some recognition. You are still here. You are surviving, you are figuring it out. You’re not suppose to have all the answers you know. If you did, you would be the Messiah. But on a real note, there is a reason why you don’t have all the answers and everything all figured out. That is the beauty of life. Experiencing everything that is happening when it is happening. All the emotions...feelings...let them happen.  Experience them. Feel them. That’s why we have them. Don’t push it away because you think you have to. Just because we’re now adults doesn’t mean we have to suck it up and bury our emotions deep down, because we don’t. Obviously there’s a time and place...but let it out. 

Take a step back and remember this is your life. YOURS. No one else’s. Of course we love and care for others... we should. But remember to surround yourself with people who give that love and care right back to you. You deserve it and you deserve some damn credit okay? Life isn’t made to be easy. Life is life man. Ride the wave, take it day by day. One thing at a time. The small things... the small accomplishments... acknowledged them. Own them...because YOU accomplished it. If you take anything from this, take this...stop searching for the answers of life because your not going to find it. Just experience it. 


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