Alright so I’m here... finally made it here. At this point in my life where I’m living the city girl dream, where I’m a full-time working adult, and where I’m partnered with one of my good ole college pals and writing this introductory blog post... WHY? Throwback for a second, when I was in high school I wanted to be a motivational speaker. Yes, me wanting to go out there and inspire the world... BUT at that time in my life I felt like I didn’t experience anything THAT serious to be a motivational speaker. Then I graduated high school and the tables turned.
Now, before I go in and tell you how and why the tables turned, just know no matter what I’ve been through, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way because I wouldn’t have ended up living the life I’m living today. Now, my story isn’t insanely drastic, but it’s a STORY let me tell you. Know, no matter WHAT your story is, it’s YOUR story. Doesn’t matter how big or small, it makes you YOU.
Some of you probably have an idea what I’m talking about. Some of you have absolutely no clue. Just to give a little sneak peak, I grew up Catholic, went to Catholic school for 11 years, raised to be the perfect little Catholic girl... you know the whole no sex before marriage thing. In a way, trained to be this perfect child and should only be in relationships with white catholic boys... ALL that fun stuff. Then I made a left turn ...LITERALLY... went left field if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. My honest, innocent, young self at the time decide to be truthful to my mom (only parent in my life at the time). Now that’s another story. My 17-year-old self was then punished, disowned, and shamed for the curiosity of my sexuality by the only parent I had. Now, there’s a lot more to say about that. But, the reason why I joined this blog is to maybe, finally let my story be out in the open. Or maybe even to come to terms with my story. Not only that, but to show others that it’s MORE than okay to be YOU no matter what YOU is...
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