It's that time of year when you just can't shake the funk. It's that time of year when it gets dark earlier, the temperature drops dramatically, and motivation gets lost. Above all, it's that time of year when you miss your loved ones the most. If this is you, good news... we have something in common and this may be the sign you have been looking for all along.
When it gets dark at 4:00pm, I don't know about you but I feel like I am done for the day. For some reason, once it gets dark and colder outside, I want to just drop everything and crawl into bed and run away from all and every responsibility. That sucks for me because time doesn't stop once it gets dark. Although I am no expert, I am pretty positive these feelings are normal. The ideas I have considered doing to help this (have not yet gotten to all of them, but would like to know if they help anyone else) are the following:
- Purchase a light therapy lamp
- Find a new hobby
- Make a gratitude journal
- Pay it forward
- Plan your days out
- Find something to look forward to each day/week
- Exercise
My fellow journey followers, if you have any suggestions please drop them in the comment box for me and everyone else reading!
I know a lot of people who have lost someone they love recently and in past years. I am one of those people. My nana passed away a few years ago right before the holidays and my father passed away the day before Christmas Eve when I was 10 years old . His birthday is actually tomorrow. The holidays are very hard and I GET IT! They say it gets easier but it doesn't. You just learn how to deal with it... eventually. You will find something that comforts you when you need it. For example, my family believes that cardinals are our loved ones checking in on us. My first tattoo was a cardinal for my dad actually. The cardinal symbolizes an angel for my family and somehow it is always there when you need it most. (I will eventually post a blog about my stories of losing my loved ones - how I felt, how I dealt with it, and how I feel to this day.)
For those who are floating in that boat, I am sorry. I feel you. I know what it's like to wake up knowing that person won't be there. I know what it's like to wonder "why me". I know what it's like to have something taken away from you before a blink of an eye. I know, trust me. I also know that life goes on whether you decide to accept it or not. Life does not stop because you want it to. It basically pushes you down assuming you will get back up. And you WILL get back up. I did, when I never thought I would. My family moved, I found new friends, went to high school, graduated college, moved to the city, and got a job. It's possible, believe me. I am not telling all of you this to rub it in your face. I am telling you this to remind you that you run your own race. I am in a different place in my life than many, but I also struggle in different areas than many. Are things still hard? Yes. Do I wish things were much easier? Of course. However, I am here in the now and I am doing alright. We are all human, we all have skeletal bones underneath our flesh, but we are all different in many ways and THAT IS OK! How boring would the world be if your unique self wasn't in it? Exactly.
One thing that I am constantly trying to do is change/strengthen my mindset. Again, I am not completely there yet. But, the point of this blog is to master it together. We have to change our mindset to "the glass is half full"... at ALL times. Maybe instead of dreading the cold, think about each day as one step closer to the warmth. The shortest day of the year is coming up. After that, the days will get a little longer slowly but surely. Instead of replaying the time you lost a loved one in your head over and over again, replay the time of your favorite memory you had with that person. No one can take that memory away from you. This is all easier said than done obviously, but there is a way to flip that switch to "half full" instead of "half empty".
There is a book I read called "You're a Bad Ass Every Day: How to Keep Your Motivation Strong, Your Vibe High, and Your Quest for Transformation Unstoppable" by Jen Sincero. In one of the sections it walks you through how to change your mindset. I am not the person to pick up a book when I am bored, but this book was intriguing and turned out to be a very easy read! I highly recommend it.
Winter is basically here and the emotions are flowing. I found peace in writing for you all. What is your peace?
xoxo Jess
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