Health care workers are so very important! Especially during this time right now with everything going on. AM I RIGHT?! They save lives each and every day. These professionals go to school for years and years to help others, and I thank them for that. Like I said, they are very important... but so are you. There are instances when medical attention is needed. Though that is true, we all know this, some people just need a pal. Someone to listen to them, someone to tell them that they are worth it, because you are ALL worth it.
I am going to tell you all a story. A story I believe will inspire you to speak up. A story that I think is important to share. The things that seem so minute to you may be an angel in disguise for someone else.
The other day, I am just tapping through Snapchat and came across a story that popped out to me for some reason. I usually skip Snap stories with a longer text if I don't know that person. Keep that in mind, I didn't know who this girl was. All I knew was her name on Snapchat. Let's call her Marie. Marie posted a Snapchat saying she doesn't have anyone and she's so lonely. Then proceeds by saying she doesn't belong here and needs to find somewhere else where she belongs. Like I said, the snapchat was lengthy but that was the gist.
For some reason I had this feeling in me, so I acted on it. I did something I have never done before.
I first swiped up asking if she was OK.
She didn't answer.
So I called her...
on Snapchat.
She answered.
Obviously, I was not expecting a girl.. that I didn't know.. besides her name.. to answer a call... on snapchat.
But, she answered.
I asked her if she was OK and she shared some of her story while the sadness in her voice traveled through the entire phone call. She shared with me what is going on with her personal life and how it makes her feel, how she is struggling in certain areas of her life because of the circumstances she is in. She shared with me some terrible things she has been called by the people she loves. We spoke for probably a little over five minutes. She sincerely thanked me for calling and told me I made her night.
It ends up being, I had her as a friend on Snapchat from a party in college when she was crying and I helped her then too. She was not only thankful I was there then ,but that I am here now.
The point of this blog is to show you that helping someone can be as simple as speaking up. You never know how impactful your words can be. Your words can show someone that people care about them. It can show someone that they are not alone. For me, it was almost rewarding to know how powerful my words were to someone I really didn't even know. A lot of people are really struggling right now and I bet a lot of them will not seek help for it. What if you could be the help they need?
I have a hard time with this stuff too, probably more than most would believe. Sometimes, you just don't feel like asking for help when you need it. Or asking for a pal when you need someone to just... listen. I get it, trust me.
The thing is, if you are in that spot... and you see someone else in the spot... have you ever thought to yourself, "If I can help someone else, maybe it will help myself"? I have.
People say, "take your own advice" all the time right? Take a second. When you think about it, some people learn by doing. If that "doing" is to help someone else get to a(n) good/OK place mentally, maybe even temporarily for the time being, and that opens your eyes while making you realize you have to get YOUR sh*t together.. technically, helping someone else just helped you! Making someone else feel good, makes you feel good. Being able to listen to Marie and give her warm, kind words she deserves to hear, reminds me that I also deserve to hear those warm, kind words.
I don't actually know if I saved a life that night, but I know it was possible. You can also make that possible.
xoxo Jess
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