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For YOU.

It’s crazy to think about how one  month can turn in the two months, and  two months can turn the three months, and the next thing you know half a year goes by, and the next thing you know it’s a year later... Thinking about where I was a year ago compared to where I am now...every time I predict or have a small invasion of what my future may look like, it turns out to be nothing like I expected it to look like but it’s not always a bad thing...  And honestly the favorite things about my life right now are the ones that caught me by surprise because I didn’t see it coming...  I’m just kind of at this point in my life where I tend to just go with the flow, ya know riding the wave of life, letting life take the stirring wheel... But let me tell you, I’m a huge sign person... I mean HUGE. For example, every time I think of quitting my job and wanting to start something different, something happens whether it’s a promotion or some sort of light at the end of the tunnel t...

Day by Day

  Hey there, it’s’s been a minute. Ya know just got caught up a little bit,    trying to figure out this game of life we play. I’m in the middle of trying to figure out where I’m going to live, what I’m going to do with my career, trying to make time for everyone... trying to make everyone happy. But ya know what’s important? Self happiness, self awareness, and self acknowledgment. Let me repeat this one... self acknowledgement. Has someone ever told you how great your doing? Because whether or not you believe it, you are doing GREAT. You know how I know? Well, you are still here on earth reading this blog and still trying to defeat this battle that life throws at you. And if that’s not some hardcore dedication, I don’t know what is.   So I’m going to tell you. You are great and you are doing a phenomenal job at whatever it is your doing. Give yourself some recognition. You are still here. You are surviving, you are figuring it out. You’re not suppose to hav...

Caught Up in the Moment

Ever just get caught up in the moment? As in, ya know, caught up with drama.. work... relationships.. LIFE?! Yeah, me too. It's hard isn't it? Life itself especially.   Thinking back as a 7th or an 8th grader, I thought to myself, "I can't wait for high school". Having those nerves, you know.. the feeling of uncertainty on how things are going to go or how things are going to change in that next step in life. What about, "Oh, I can't wait to go to college". Those same nerves came back, right? Thinking "things are going to get harder", or "how am I going to know how to do this?",   or even "what is the next step going to look like?” We get distracted and sidetracked   sometimes, it’s inevitable. Getting sidetracked by something that you’ll forget about in a a few years. Damn, even in a few days. Being overwhelmed... yeah that happens a lot for me. You get caught up in the moment when really it’s  going to resolve itself. That ...

The First Step

It’s crazy when you finally take the first step... Whether it’s filling out a job application, becoming more serious in a relationship, or even recognizing your own addiction. For me, the first step isn’t quit any of those things... I’d like to think that I am in a very great place in my life... I have a full time career that I’m doing well in, I can financially support myself, I’m moderately healthy, got myself a nice mans, crazy right? ... but just because I’ve earned all that doesn’t mean I have it all together... because I don’t... but honestly who does?? I’m far far from perfect and I’m okay with that. But sometimes when you have a lot going for yourself you get lost in the action of everyday life. I go to work, eat, sleep, occasionally hang out with some frandsss. You get comfortable in this routine and forget about the main focus... YOU. Now I’m not a parent, I don’t have children to care for... but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot on my plate. I’ve been through it in a way ...

New Beginnings

To start,  A check in... How are you? How was your year? Most importantly what have you learned and what are you taking into 2021?  I have to ask myself the same questions. How am I? Fine. How was my year? Crazy. What have I learned and what am I taking into 2021? You have to take care of YOU first. I am taking that along with good, positive vibes into 2021... no matter how crazy this next year may be. I don't really know what to expect this year, I guess no one does. I think it will definitely be another year of change and adaptability. Which isn't always a bad thing, it just may be a challenging thing. But who isn't up for a good challenge every once in a while? To be better, these questions are important to ask yourself, in my new outlook on things at least.  - Everything is so uncertain in life. I can't even put into words how crazy that thought is to me. We wake up everyday without knowing what could possibly happen, good or bad. I have a hard time accepting this. ...

A Christmas Miracle

So if anyone knows a little bit about me, I grew up just with my mom. My parents divorced when I was three years old and my dad got remarried and had three kids. Now, my brothers were never really in my life until about a couple months ago... why? God only knows. I was just a kid... of course growing up I   favored my mom because she did stick it out and raise me this entire time. But it wasn’t fair to me. I wasn’t really allowed to be a part of my brothers lives. Now the big question is why? I could go on and blame my dad and his wife but the real answer is that I couldn’t tell ya. Time went by, I got older. The oldest brother actually reached out to me. It was like he knew it wasn’t my fault, because it really wasn’t... I wanted to be there... I prayed about it every night. All I ever wanted was to be around and have that brother/sister relationship, be that good role model, be there for THEM. Like I said a couple months ago things changed. My dad reached out, he apologized, he s...

For you, Dad

Photo captured 12/21/2008 December 23rd, 2008. You were shoveling snow, The white slushy snow.  You expressed once, "my back hurts"  Smoking your last cigarette of the night, In the cold, dark garage.  You expressed twice, "my back hurts"  Finally saying, "goodnight" and went up to bed. December 23rd, 2008. The day I found you lying on your back, gasping for air. The day I was told you wouldn't be coming home.  December 23rd, 2008.  The day I lost one of my favorite humans.  You were funny, you were kind, and you always knew what to say.  Your laugh.  The laugh that put a smile on everyone's face.  All the music,  All the cleaning,  All the Sunday morning breakfasts,  Everything.  I wish I could call you, ask you for advice, just hear your voice one last time.  December 23rd, 2008. The last time we said "goodnight". -- Thank you for 10 years of parenting. Thank you for the memories. Thank you for your hard work, ...

Lys's Sneak Peak

                                          Alright so I’m here... finally made it here. At this point in my life where I’m living the city girl dream, where I’m a full-time working adult, and where I’m partnered with one of my good ole college pals and writing this introductory blog post... WHY? Throwback for a second, when I was in high school I wanted to be a motivational speaker. Yes, me wanting to go out there and inspire the world... BUT at that time in my life I felt like I didn’t experience anything THAT serious to be a motivational speaker. Then I graduated high school and the tables turned.  Now, before I go in and tell you how and why the tables turned, just know no matter what I’ve been through, I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way because I wouldn’t have ended up living the life I’m living today. Now, my story isn’t insanely drastic, but it’s a STORY let me tell yo...

How to Save a Life

Health care workers are so very important! Especially during this time right now with everything going on.  AM I RIGHT?! They save lives each and every day. These professionals go to school for years and years to help others, and I thank them for that. Like I said, they are very important... but so are you. There are instances when medical attention is needed. Though that is true, we all know this, some people just need a pal. Someone to listen to them, someone to tell them that they are worth it, because you are ALL worth it.  I am going to tell you all a story. A story I believe will inspire you to speak up. A story that I think is important to share. The things that seem so minute to you may be an angel in disguise for someone else.  The other day, I am just tapping through Snapchat and came across a story that popped out to me for some reason. I usually skip Snap stories with a longer text if I don't know that person. Keep that in mind, I didn't know who this girl was...